Upload the BEST Image For Facebook
Source: https://dustinstout.com/facebook-image-sizes/
What happened to your amazing portraits after you uploaded them to Facebook?!
That’s probably what you found yourself wondering as you stared at a hot mess of pixelated images from your recent photo session.
I see this happen a lot, especially on Facebook. It used to happen to me. I would upload the highest quality image and Facebook would compress the beauty out of it and serve it up on my feed like a reheated plate of mushy lasagna.
I can help you address the problem with two easy fixes!
The first thing you need to do is go to your Facebook settings and make the following setting tweaks.
Settings & Privacy>Settings>Media & Contacts>Videos and Photos
Video Settings - Toggle Upload HD to ON
Photo Settings - Toggle Upload HD to ON
Done...that’s it. Well, do it everywhere...your web browser, your phone app, your iPad app, etc.
This is going to make a big difference!
UPLOAD THE correct resolution, NOT THE highest
BUT WAIT! There’s one more thing. Something your photographer probably didn’t tell you about, but I’ll let you in on it (PLUS I’ll make it easier for you when you download a gallery of photos). Basically, LESS IS MORE To get the results you want.
You SHOULD upload photos to FB at a SPECIFIC MAX RESOLUTION to achieve the BEST image results in your feed. Has anyone ever told you this? If you google it, you’ll find all kinds of mentions of 2048px...not the year, but the ideal pixel dimension for the long edge of your photos.
If you don’t want to worry about it, you should ask your photographer to provide you a set of images that are optimized for social sharing. I DO THIS FOR EVERY CLIENT in addition to providing the full resolution images. I want you to look your best, even when you are sharing on your own page.
And while we’re on this topic, let’s discuss Instagram...it has it’s own specific requirements (it’s a little more complicated though) and although they are different from Facebook, I’ve been pleased with how images optimized for Facebook work on the Instagram platform without having to create a specific set of images for sharing there. If you want to use their specific dimensions, knock yourself out (there’s an app for that).
The long and short (see what I did there?) of it is you’re probably doing it wrong, but with two EASY changes to your settings and photos, you can get much better looking images in your Facebook Albums. This will make both of us happier!
Happy posting!